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Finding sustainability score for your clothing brand involves calculating various sustainability metrics & scoring them on their performance.

How to calculate sustainable score for my clothing brand?

Calculating a sustainability score for your sustainable clothing brand involves assessing various sustainability metrics and scoring them based on their performance against set targets. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate a sustainability score:

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Sustainability Score

1. Define Sustainability Metrics

Identify the key sustainability metrics relevant to your business. Common categories include:

  • Environmental Impact: Energy use, water consumption, waste management, carbon footprint, use of sustainable materials, pollution control.
  • Social Responsibility: Labor practices, employee health and safety, community engagement, fair wages, diversity and inclusion.
  • Economic Performance: Profitability, cost savings from sustainable practices, investments in sustainability, economic impact on the local community.
  • Supply Chain Management: Supplier sustainability practices, ethical sourcing, transparency in the supply chain.

2. Set Specific Goals and Benchmarks

Determine specific, measurable goals for each sustainability metric. For example:

  • Reduce energy consumption by 20% within 5 years.
  • Source 50% of materials from sustainable suppliers by 2025.

3. Collect Data

Gather data for each metric. This may involve:

  • Installing meters to measure energy and water use.
  • Conducting surveys or audits to assess labor practices and community impact.
  • Reviewing financial records for cost savings and investments in sustainability.

4. Score Each Metric

Assign scores to each metric based on performance relative to targets. Use a consistent scale (e.g., 0-100) to rate each metric.

Example Scoring Scale:

  • 0-20: Poor
  • 21-40: Fair
  • 41-60: Good
  • 61-80: Very Good
  • 81-100: Excellent

5. Calculate the Overall Sustainability Score

Calculate the overall sustainability score by averaging the scores of all metrics. You can weight the metrics if some are more important than others.

Example Calculation: Assume you have the following scores for each category:

  • Environmental Impact: 75
  • Social Responsibility: 80
  • Economic Performance: 70
  • Supply Chain Management: 85

The overall sustainability score can be calculated as: Overall Score=Environmental Impact+Social Responsibility+Economic Performance+Supply Chain Management4\text{Overall Score} = \frac{\text{Environmental Impact} + \text{Social Responsibility} + \text{Economic Performance} + \text{Supply Chain Management}}{4} Overall Score=75+80+70+854\text{Overall Score} = \frac{75 + 80 + 70 + 85}{4} Overall Score=3104\text{Overall Score} = \frac{310}{4} Overall Score=77.5\text{Overall Score} = 77.5

Example Scorecard Calculation in Excel

Using the provided Excel sheet, you can calculate the sustainability score by following these steps:

  1. Input Data: Enter the baseline, target, and actual values for each metric.
  2. Score Calculation: Create a formula to calculate the score for each metric based on performance relative to the target.
    • Example Formula: =IF(Actual >= Target, 100, (Actual / Target) * 100)
  3. Overall Score: Calculate the average score of all metrics.
    • Example Formula: =AVERAGE(Score Range)

Practical Example

Let’s use a practical example with hypothetical data:

Category Metric Baseline Target Actual Score
Environment Energy Use (kWh/year) 1,000,000 800,000 850,000 94
Environment Water Consumption (liters/year) 500,000 400,000 420,000 95
Social Fair Wage Compliance (%) 90 100 95 95
Social Employee Health and Safety Incidents 5 2 3 66
Economic Cost Savings from Sustainability ($) 50,000 100,000 80,000 80
Supply Chain Sustainable Materials Used (%) 30 50 40 80

Calculate Overall Score: Overall Score=94+95+95+66+80+806\text{Overall Score} = \frac{94 + 95 + 95 + 66 + 80 + 80}{6} Overall Score=5106\text{Overall Score} = \frac{510}{6} Overall Score=85\text{Overall Score} = 85

Download this excel sheet format to calculate sustainability score for your clothing brand.


By systematically collecting data, scoring each metric, and calculating an overall sustainability score, you can assess and improve the sustainability performance of your sustainable clothing brand. This scorecard approach helps in identifying areas for improvement and demonstrating your commitment to sustainability to stakeholders.